1. Copy the "2008 Cute's 3logger Award" badge into your blog.
2. Link the award back to the tagger.
3. Every blogger must state 10 hobbies/facts about him/her before tagging others.
4. 10 bloggers must be chosen to receive the award and their names must be stated.
5. Leave a comment to those you are tagging letting them know that they've been tagged.
1. tiada lesen kenderaan.
2. pelajar di universiti malaysia pahang.
3. Bukan kaki computer games.
4. Status:single..
5. Anak jati negeri sembilan.
6. Smoking.--cuba untuk berhenti..lalalala.
7. Rabun jauh.
8. Minat seni--teater.
9. Tidur untuk menghilangkan ke-buhsan-nan
10.Baru beli kasut baru
Tiada sesapa untuk di-tag.Tunggu award 2009 plak ye baru tag..huhu.
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