January 26, 2009

Award yang tertangguh

1. Copy the "2008 Cute's 3logger Award" badge into your blog.

2. Link the award back to the tagger.

3. Every blogger must state 10 hobbies/facts about him/her before tagging others.

4. 10 bloggers must be chosen to receive the award and their names must be stated.

5. Leave a comment to those you are tagging letting them know that they've been tagged.

10 'me' facts you should know:

1. tiada lesen kenderaan.

2. pelajar di universiti malaysia pahang.

3. Bukan kaki computer games.

4. Status:single..

5. Anak jati negeri sembilan.

6. Smoking.--cuba untuk berhenti..lalalala.

7. Rabun jauh.

8. Minat seni--teater.

9. Tidur untuk menghilangkan ke-buhsan-nan

10.Baru beli kasut baru

Tiada sesapa untuk di-tag.Tunggu award 2009 plak ye baru tag..huhu.

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